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Intro F - Em -Dm - G
You a go tired fe see me face
G Am
Cant't get me out of the race
G Am
Oh man you said i'm in your place
G Am
And then you draw bad card
G Am
A make you draw bad card
G Am
And then you draw bad card
G Am
propaganda spreading over my name
G Am
Say you want to bring another life to shame
G Am
Oh man you just playing a game
G Am
And then you draw bad card
G Am
Se que estan cansados de tenernos al lado
G Am
Vernos las caras por lo que hemos hablado
G Am G Am
Y lo que hemos actuado nos tiran malas cartas
G Am G Am
No nos tires malas cartas No nos tires malas cartas
G Am
No tires no no tires malas cartas
G Am G Am
In a rub-a-dub style, in a rub-a-dub style
G Am G Am
In a rub-a-dub style, in a rub-a-dub style
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