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Chords of Raimon: Tristesa el nom
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Lliurament del cant [1977]
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Acords: MIm FA DO SOL
Intro: MIm
MIm Tristesa el nom tristesa vida tristesa el món tristesa antiga
FA tristesa prou
MIm tristesa llisa
FA tristesa avui
MIm DO tristesa trista Tristesa lluny
MIm tristesa encara
DO tristesa aquí
MIm tristesa ampla
SOL tristesa a prop
FA tristesa a terra
MIm tristesa en molts tristesa nostra
MIm Tristesa cant tristesa ànsia tristesa al cel tristesa tanta
FA tristesa oblit
MIm tristesa flama
FA tristesa mai
MIm DO tristesa tarda Tristesa endins
MIm tristesa fora
DO tristesa al mar
MIm tristesa llança
SOL tristesa tu
FA tristesa a casa
MIm tristesa jo tristesa d'ara. Correccions i suggeriments:
This file is the work if its transcriptor and it represents his/her own interpretation of the song. This material is intended for PERSONAL USE ONLY. It is strictly forbiden to copy, reproduce or retransmit the contents of this website. Legal actions will be taken if required.
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