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Chords of Pedro Infante: Bésame Mucho
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Ésta es la versión que canta Pedro Infante en la película
A.T.M. A Toda Máquina de 1951.

Intro: Dm
Gm Bésame, bésame mucho,
D7 Gm Each time I cling to your kiss
A7 Dm I hear music divine
D7 Gm Bésame mucho
Dm A#7 A7 Hold me, my darling, and say
Dm you will always be mine
Gm This joy is something new
Dm My arms enfolding you
A7 Dm Never knew this thrill before
Gm Dm Whoever thought I'll be holding you close to me
E7 A#7 A7 whispering it's you I adore.
Dm Gm Dearest one, if you should leave me,
D7 Gm Each little dream would take wing
A7 Dm and my life would be through
D7 Gm Bésame mucho
Dm A#7 A7 Love me forever and make all my dreams
Dm come true.
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