Tab of Pappo: Tema 1 (o Hay tiempo para elegir)
intro: (E5 C5-B5)x4 A5-G5 F#5-E5
A5 D5 A5 E5 D5 A5
A5 A ver con cuál nos quedamos, tenemos que decidir;
D5 no es que esté desesperado,
A5 hay tiempo para elegir,
E5 D5 A5 oh no, oh yeah, uah!
inter: (E5 C5-B5)x4 A5-G5 F#5-E5
solo: A5 D5 A5 E5 D5 A5
A5 En un castillo de piedra veo las aves pasar,
D5 no creas que soy muy listo,
A5 pero aquí he de quedar,
E5 D5 A5 oh no, oh yeah, uah!
solo: (A5 B5-C5 B5-C5 B5-C5 B5-C5)x3
(B5-C5 B5-C5 B5-C5 B5-C5)x8
C5 A5 ................................................... intro y base:
A5 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ +----4-5----+----4-5----+----4-5----+----4-5--5-+ +-7--2-3--5-+-7--2-3--5-+-7--2-3--5-+-7--2-3--3-+ +-5-------3-+-5-------3-+-5-------3-+-5---------+
D5 A5 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ +----4-5----+----4-5----+-----------+-----------+ +-7--2-3--5-+-7--2-3----+----4-5----+----4-5--7-+ +-5-------3-+-5-------5-+-7--2-3--5-+-7--2-3--5-+ +-----------+---------3-+-5-------3-+-5---------+
E5 D5 A5 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ +----6-7----+----4-5----+-----------+-----------+ +-9--4-5--5-+-7--2-3----+----4-5----+----4-5----+ +-7-------3-+-5-------5-+-7--2-3--5-+-7--2-3--5-+ +-----------+---------3-+-5-------3-+-5-------3-+
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