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Tab of los Panchos: La Paloma
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9.6/10 (5)
los Panchos  corregir
Enviado por Edgar
Intro  Riff 1

Riff 1
D A7 D e---10----10----10-----9----9----9-9---9----10--- B-10--10--10--10--10--10--10-10-10---10-10--10--- G---------11-----------9---------9----------11--- D------------------------------------------------ Cuando, salí de la habana, válgame Dios, nadie, me ha visto salir, si no fui yo. Una, linda guachinanga, válgame Dios, Riff 2 que se, vino tras de mí, que si señor. CORO Riff 3 Si a tu ventana llega, una paloma, Riff 4 trátala con cariño, que es mi persona. Riff 5 Cuéntale tus amores, bien de mi vida, corónala de flores, que es cosa mía. Riff 2
D e--10--9--7--5-- B--10-10--8--7-- G--------------- D--------------- Riff 3
A7 e--7--10--9-7--5--7--9-- B--8--12-10-8--7--8-10-- G----------------------- D----------------------- Riff 4
D e--10-9------------------ B-------10-12--8-10------ G-------------------11--- D------------------------ Riff 5 e---------------------------------------- B----------8----8-10-12-10-12-13-14--12-- G--9-8-9-11--11-------------------------- D----------------------------------------
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