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Chords of Kevin Kaarl: Good Times
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9/10 (2)
Kevin Kaarl
San Lucas [2019]
Enviado por Ronal_Cordova, basado en TomiCounty
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Afinación: ESTÁNDAR
Capo: Traste 1

El F es dejando la primera cuerda al aire.


I want a heart,
F C/G for me, for me
F C/G That changed my world
Am Em C/G And can finally live in peace
Am I want to live
F C/G in this town, in this town
F C/G With my girl, with my girl
Am Em C/G to find the way really low
LAm I've been looking to
F C/G to stop, to stop
F C/G crying in the night
Am Em C/G in the morning, in the day all the time
Am Em C/G In the morning, in the day all the time
Am C/G I think I've found the place
F C/G where we can live forever
F C/G where I can feel much better
Am Em C/G where my heart can find the way
Am Em C/G to feel that good times have no end
Am Em C/G to feel that good times have no end -SOLO DE TROMPETA-
Am - F C/G - F C/G - Am Em C/G - Am Em C/G -SOLO DE TROMPETA + VOZ-
Am - F C/G - F C/G - Am Em C/G - Am Em C/G
LAm I've been looking to
F C/G to stop, to stop
F C/G crying in the night
Am Em C/G in the morning, in the day all the time
Am Em C/G In the morning, in the day all the time
Am C/G I think I've found the place
F C/G where we can live forever
F C/G where I can feel much better
Am Em C/G where my heart can find the way
Am Em C/G to feel that good times have no end
Am Em C/G to feel that good times have no end
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