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C D E → Do Re Mi
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Cuando de nuestro
Dentro tu pecho amante
e ---0-0h1-0-0-5-4-7-5-0---|--------------3----------------
b --1-----3--------------3-|-3-3-5-6-3-5-5-5-3-6-5-3s1-1---
g -2-----------------------|-------------------------------
D -------------------------|-------------------------------
Ya que solo por ti
El día en que me faltes
e ---0-1-0-----3-5-3s1-1-|-5-5-4-7-5-0-0-3-0---------------
b --1---3-3-2-5-----------------------------3-6-5-3s1-1----
g -2-------------------------------------------------------
LAm - MI - LAm - MI - LAm
e -5-5-8-7-5-0-0-|-0-2-4-5-5-8-7-5-0-0-|-0-2-4-5-----------
b ---------------|---------------------|-------------------
Porque mi pensamiento
Que en una hora feliz
e -0-3-0-0-0-0------------|0-5-3s1-1-0-0h1-0-0h1-1-1-3-5-3-
b --------3-3-3-2-3-5-6-5-|--------------------------------
lejos de tus pupilas
Que se duerme soñando
e -6-5-3s1-1-0-3-1-3-3-1-0-1-0-|-0-0-0-0-0-2-2-5-5-5-4-7---
b ------------------------3----|--------4-4----------------
g -----------------------------|---------------------------
Que se duerme soñando con tu acento de arrullo
e --0-0-0-3-0-0-3-0----------------------------------------
b -0----------------3-6-5-3s1-1----------------------------
g ---------------------------------------------------------
Dedico este primer Tab, al amor de mi vida:
Viva Ecuador!!!
This file is the work if its transcriptor and it represents his/her own interpretation of the song. This material is intended for PERSONAL USE ONLY. It is strictly forbiden to copy, reproduce or retransmit the contents of this website. Legal actions will be taken if required.