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Chords of Fermin Muguruza: Mendebaldarketa
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Fermin Muguruza  corregir
Fm 99.00 dub Manifest [2000]
Enviado por FucoGz
A D E D A D E D Ongi etorri mendebaldera! Estrofa: --------
A D E D Munduko aberatsengana
A D E D Emango zaizu aukera-maukera,
A D E D baina ez jauzi zuriengana
A D We are the world.
E D Welcome to Occident
A D E D But keep your hands off the ownership Estribilho: -----------
A D E D A D E D Ongi etorri mendebaldera!
A D E D A D E D Ongi etorri mendebaldera! Letra: ------ Ongi etorri mendebaldera! Ongi etorri baina kontuz Ongi etorri mendebaldera! Baina eman pausuok soseguz Ongi etorri mendebaldera! Munduko aberatsengana Emango zaizu aukera-maukera, baina ez jauzi zuriengana We are the world. Welcome to Occident But keep your hands off the ownership Ciminals will be electrocuted Follow, black, you bastard, the garbage truck Bienvenues a l´Occident, mais atention! Si vous n´avez pas de l´argent Si vous n´avez pas des papiers, alors, vous Noire, suivez le camion des ordures.
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