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Tab of Cucsifae: Happy Hours
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G C G C e|-----------------| B|-----------------| G|-----555-----555-| D|-555-555-555-555-| A|-555-333-555-333-| x2 E|-333-----333-----| e|-------------------------| B|-------------------------| G|-------------------------| D|----55-33-22----22-33-55-| A|-------------------------| E|-33----------33----------| Don't want feel bad, don't want to cry I'm with my love and with my friends Vivir feliz y disfrutar, si es así todo es mejor...
D C B C D D/C B e|------------------------| B|------------------------| G|-777-55-44-5-7--7/5-444-| D|-777-55-44-5-7--7/5-222-| A|-555-33-22-3-5--5/3-222-| E|------------------------| hoy no es un mal día, no, no y no Tarde soleada sol de verano y hu! Hu! Hu! e|----------------------| B|----------------------| G|----------------------| D|-1/5-5/1-3--1/5-5/1-3-| A|----------------------| E|----------------------|
G D C B e|-------------| B|-------------| TODO CON G|----77-55-44-| P.M. D|-55-77-55-44-| A|-55-55-33-22-| E|-33----------| I don't want to live with another presion Feeling so fine with my life Give my hands to my friends Keep my heart, keep my heart Lejos de cosas que den
D C B C D D/C B e|------------------------| B|------------------------| G|-777-55-44-5-7--7/5-444-| D|-777-55-44-5-7--7/5-222-| A|-555-33-22-3-5--5/3-222-| E|------------------------| sabor a dolor! Mirame!!!! Dime que ves? Estoy feliz si estoy contigo! Sólo pasaba a traerte unas flores. e|----------------| B|----------------| G|-44/7-5-4-4-5-7-| D|----------------| A|----------------| E|----------------|
G C G C e|-----------------| B|-----------------| G|-----555-----555-| D|-555-555-555-555-| A|-555-333-555-333-| E|-333-----333-----|
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