Chords of Charly García: Simpathy for the devil
Estaba en llamas cuando me acoste [1995]
Esta la mandé antes y no aparece ne la actualización,
quizás hubo algún probema y no llegó.

G F Please allow me to introduce myself,
C G I'm a man of welth and taste.
G F I've been around for long, long years
F G stolen many a man's soul and faith. I was around when Jesus Christ has his moment of doubt and faith. I made damn sure that Pilate washed his hands and sealed his fate.
D Pleased to meet you
Dsus4 G hope you guess my name.
D But what's puzzling you is the
Dsus4 G nature of my game.
Inter:[G F C G] x4 Pleased to meet you... Please allow me to introduce... Pleased to meet you... Inter. Pleased to meet you... Please allow me to introduce... Pleased to meet you... Inter. Pleased to meet you... Inter.
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