Tab of Barrio Pobre: Toda la noche
Barrio Pobre  corregir
Sue~os y realidades
1   -------------------------------------------------------------------
 2  ------9----99-----99----99-----99----77----99------9---------------
3   ---6----6------6------6------6------6-----6-------6----------------
 4  -------------------------------------------------------------------
 5  -------------------------------------------------------------------
6	-------------------------------------------------------------------

     ------6 9 7 6-----6------7 6-------------6 9 7 6-----6----7-------
    -6 8-----------8------8-------8----6 8------------6-------6--------

    No se si tu....
     ----7 7----7 7----7 7----7 7--------------------------------------

  Quieras volver a verme
    -----6 6----6 6----6 6-----66-------------------------------------

tan solo una vez
     -----9 9----9 9---9 9---9 9-------------------------------------

pues me haces                sentir muy bien...
     ------4 4----4 4---4 4-----6 6-----6 6-----6 6------------------
    ---4-------4------4----- 6-------6-------6-----------------------

En mi corazon    (se repiten )

     --------------------7/--------------------(7 9)---9  (7 9 7)-----
    ----------------------------(7 9) 7 9/-------------------------9-
     --6 (4 6 4)------------------------------------------------------

     -----12/--10-------------11 9------12/-10------------11----------
    -12----------12 10 11 12---------12-------12 10 11 12------------

    -------11 14 12 11---11---12 11---------13----14 12 11---11-12---
     -11 13------------13---13------13----11----11---------11----11---


     ------6 9 7 6-----6------7 6-------------6 9 7 6-----6----7-------
    -6 8-----------8------8-------8----6 8------------6-------6--------

      Hay que darle su métrica
NOTA:Los números en paréntesis() significan ligadura
     Los números con diagonal/ significan full.
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